John Berger: Ways of Seeing Things

Written by: Abigail Meyer

John Berger was a very interesting man, a "cultural thinker" as the internet would call him, which makes a lot of sense after watching his BBC Series "Ways of seeing". Now obviously we cant completely relate to this series as we are in a completely different time, but he made a lot of remarks that we can think about in our daily lives and use. The way John Berger looks at life is very interesting but allowed me to look at things from a whole new perspectvie. Specifically in episode 1, John talks about how images, more so paintings in particular can have a certain affect on someone, he calls it "the paintings working on us".

I'm currently taking a Social Media Marketing course and I felt like the series was very relevant to what I'm currently learning in that course. When we go to museums and look at paintings the paintings "work on us", rather than relating this to paintings you can relate this to your instagram or facebook. When you see someones photo you seem to think you know who they are or what's going on in their life, kind of like what Berger said about the paintings "the paintings almost seduce us into beliving we know the personality traits of the person in the painting". Rather than thinking you know the person in the painting, I thought of it as thinking I know the person in the picture. Instagram for example, on instagram you the the ability to create your own feed, it's like painting a picture for someone to look at. If you want people to look at it a certain way then you paint it a certain way. We seem to always think we know who someone is while looking at a photo or a painting, but it's just the way that person would like to be seen or the way you are looking at them.



